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Samsung Galaxy Watch6 44mm

  • Description
Manufacturer's Description:
The Samsung Galaxy Watch6 is perfect for health and fitness enthusiasts. With the Watch6 you can monitor your heart health, keep track of your sleep patterns, as well as get personalized performance insights and in-depth analysis of your workouts to help you stay focus on your goals. Its large 44mm screen offers improved experience so it's easy to navigate and read the screen.


  • 4+ Years in business buying and selling quality smartphones & tablets.
  • 1000+ happy customers.
  • Our customers' satisfaction is our main priority - If you are not satisfied with a product, please contact us so that we can look after your concerns.
  • 30 day returns Learn More

Phone cosmetic conditon

  • Very Good
  • Good
  • Good-Fair
  • Fair
Items in very good condition will appear to be almost flawless. The signs of wear are minimal (if there are any). ~9/10
Items in good condition may have signs normal wear, such as minor scratches, scuffs, or minor nicks on the screen and housing. ~7-8/10
Items in good-fair condition may show signs of wear from slightly more than average use. It may have one or more of the following cosmetic flaw: scratches, faint “ghosting” visible on the LCD screen, scuffs, or nicks on the screen or housing. It may be missing a charging flap (on certain older models). ~6-7/10
Items in fair condition will show signs of wear from more than average use. It may have cosmetic flaws of various kinds such as scratches, scuffs, or nicks on the screen or housing; and/or some minor background pixel burn in (i.e. Ghosting issue where some apps or text remains imprinted on the background). ~6/10

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